• To make a return, you must complete our return form.
  • After we get your return application, we will send you email to give you instructions and your  return label.
  • Pack the product securely in its original packaging, including all original accessories and documentation.
  • Print your return label and stick it on the box. Please ensure that returned products meet our return conditions.
  • Once we receive the returned product, we will inspect it to ensure it is in its original condition and packaging and we'll let you know if your return is approved or not.
  • If the product meets our return criteria and is been approved,we will repay the purchase amount as quickly as possible via your original payment method
  • Payment will be within 14 working days,If within 14 days,the payment has not been made in your account please let us know  sales@zenzar.co.uk and we will be happy to help you.

Ask for help here.